Cissell, James R.

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This report appeared in The Cincinatti Post where certain reporters have added their own words to testimony such as that of eye-witness Jim Cissell.

'Saw wheel go past car. Saw faces in plane.'
"The Cincinnati Post article, which you refer, angered me greatly after reading it. 
It is almost completely fiction based loosely on an interview I did with a Cincinnati 
Post reporter Kimball Perry who called me in response to an on air phone report that 
I did for Channel 12 in Cincinnati."

Cissell relates what he actually told the reporter:

"The reporter took extreme creative license not only with the title but also with 
the story as a whole. Why he felt the need to sensationalize anything that happened 
on September 11 is beyond me. My words to the reporter were: 
"I was about four cars back from where the plane crossed over the highway. 
That it happened so quickly I didn't even see what airline it was from. 
However, I was so close to the plane when it went past that had it been 
sitting on a runway, I could have seen the faces of passengers peering out."


"Looking at the trajectories in the diagrams they have online seems off to me. 
I remember the plane coming in more directly at the side of the building than 
at an angle."

Clearly contradicting SoC.

Source List: Bart